I finally got my own Yo-card of this one sunshiney day at a coffee shop. Thank goodness to free Yo-Cards! This is actually a sticker, so you could post it anywhere! Hihi! Go get yours...while supplies still lasts! (^_^)
If not for Ms. Cheryl Tiu's tweet, I wouldn't know that he has a new endorsement...and now it's for a bank! Woooohhh!!! Another endorsement under his belt! I wonder what's next? Hihi! I'll surely wait for it!
I have to say thanks to Lieza for telling me that Chris Tiu was in this magazine. To think I saw the mag before she told me about it...after I knew it I panicked. I didn't know he was in it...good thing I was able to buy my own copy. Hihi!
Our Smart Gilas Team has just came back from the Guangzhou Asian Games...they may not be 1st...but I strongly believe they did their best. I believe the right time to be number 1 is coming soon. Believe in the olympic dream!!! GO SMART GILAS!!!!!!
One day at the dentist, I was flipping through an old Seventeen magazine...and lo and behold...I saw these!!!!!!!!!!
Haha, sorry for the low quality pics...I just used my camera phone to take a pic of it. And besides I was in a hurry because it was my turn already. Maybe I should have asked my dentist to give the old mag to me. Haha! So in short...I'm not so sure what the event was about...except for the pics you saw here. Other basketball players were there as well.
Source: Seventeen (can't remember which vol and year)
I know this is super late. I've taken this pic around the end of October and I know a lot of people might have seen it already. Sorry for the low quality of the pic, wasn't able to take a closer pic of it. But as you can see, that is definitely Chris Tiu's pic on the handle. Hihi! I'm not so sure though if it is still seen in the MRT. Nice way to put up ads in the MRT. Hihi!
Smart Gilas and the rest of the Philippine delegation will be going to Guangzhou, China for the Asiad. Lets all pray for them! Even we can't be with them there, we can be with them in spirit!
Source: banner is seen all over Bacoor, Cavite and probably other places too.
As for me...*cries* I won't be able to watch it. I have work. *Sigh* By that time I should be travelling to work already or else, I'll be super late. Huhu!
This is the newest ad of Chris Tiu for Insular Life I've seen so far (is there another one?) and this is my fave so far. It is simple yet very dramatic. Makes you reflect on life. Makes you think what you should do for your future. In short, it just makes you plan. (^_^)
Thanks for my mom for telling me that Chris Tiu was on our newspaper that day, because again I failed to see it myself. I panicked when she told me. Haha!
I really love this pamphlet given to me by my officemate, Kuya Eric! Weeeehhh!!! I just don't know where he got it...but wherever he did, I'm still very thankful he gave it to me! Hihi! Thanks Kuya Eric!
Chris Tiu looks good also in green, right? Hihi!
My fave Alo Youth flavor would be this:
Yum yum! But I love all flavors! It has already been a family favorite! Hihi!
I just saw a glimpse of it on a commercial the other day and I was so happy that Chris Tiu will have a new show on GMA 7! Hanep Buhay with Love Anover (tama ako di ba?)seems like a promising show since it will showcase another side of him...as a businessman! All Tiunatics will surely watch out for it! (^_^)
Once upon a time while traveling to work, traffic made me stop in front of the perfect angle for this billboard. Hihi! yes, less wires (but still with wires in front), at least it looks better than the first set of photos I posted. So off I went and kept clicking my phone cam.
Then days after...POOF! It was gone. Yes, another billboard of him in my area gone...again! Changed to another.
I enjoyed watching this interview! I just wish the audio for Chris Tiu's voice was louder! Can't wait for part 2!!!! Coach Richard and Mr. Mico Halili were also funny!
"THE GREAT ONE" is Chris Tiu as said by Mico Halili! Hihi!
Yipee! Aside from the two huge Hanford billboards of Chris Tiu that I get to pass by every morning on my way to work...another one was added to the same route I pass by...the Oracare Billboard! Now even amidst heavy traffic every morning...at least I can still smile because of these billboards. Hihi! Happy happy!
Well this is the best shot I got so far. Wish I could cut the electrical wires there...joke! Hihi!
If you didn't know, Chirs Tiu is one of the ambassadors for World Vision that promotes child sponsorship. This will help a child in their schooling. This can truly give out a big difference in their lives. Chris Tiu even said that he sponsors 2 kids.
Here's a sample form I got, just click on the image to enlarge:
In the next seven seconds another hungry child will die. Hunger is one of the leading child killers in our world.
In response to this dire hunger problem, World Vision Philippines is doing the "12-hour Famine" campaign, a global youth movement against hunger and poverty.
Pinoy youth from across thr country are invited to come together in one event and experience a 12-hour famine—that is to go on voluntary fasting from food for 12-hours. Together they will unite as one lending their voices to this global fight against hunger and poverty.
The 12-hour hunger period will be devoted to various activities other than eating. There will be educational sessions and talks on related issues, video presentations, prayer time, interactive activities, and a big, festive concert with the country's top bands and other celebrity supporters.
The "12-hour Famine" will happen on November 6, from 9am to 9pm at the Flying V Arena in San Juan. To register dial 8-FAMINE or log on to www.worldvision.org.ph/famine.
This is your chance to do something relevant for the country and the world. All it takes is a little sacrifice.
Eat nothing. Do something. Join the 12-hour Famine!
I didn't know he had a new TVC! As usual...I'm like the last to know. But so happy that I've seen it. It is great as always! Thanks to weloveTIU for the information!
So this is again, another new endorsement category under Chris Tiu's belt! He surely has endorsed products from almost all categories already! He surely is the best endorser out there. Hihi!
Since it is UAAP Season once again...and the heated rivalry between the Green Archers and the Blue Eagles have started again...let's just walk back into memory lane. Hihi!
Let's look back in time when both of my faves (from my own school and of course the rival school...hihi!) graced the cover of CHALK. Hihi! It was a time when they were still considered rivals, but fast forward to the present...they are friends and they are on the same team under Smart Gilas! Yehey!
Haha! so I forgot to remove the price tag ever since! LOL
There was also a bonus somewhere inside the magazine. Hihi!
Lieza also reminded me about the rivalry between medicine endorsements of John Lloyd and Chris. That was set aside. Haha! I totally forgot about it! Hihi!
Just saw this now! Been hibernating from the net. LOL I always get left behind when it comes to Chris' TVCs. LOL To think my mom and I just ate at Greenwich a while ago! I saw their new poster for BIGATIN but I feel so stupid for not taking a pic of it. We sat far from it and there were so many people near it. Huhu! It looked like this with a different angle pose:
I remember having second thoughts if the guy on the left was Tim Yap. LOL My mom said it didn't look like him. And in the end it was him. LOL Next time...I will have to minimize having second thoughts again, especially not taking a pic of the poster. Huhu! Maybe I'll just eat there again. Hehe!
Fast forward to July 26, 2010.I went back to Greenwich and ordered a pizza for take-out. Hihi! Okay I just took a pic of it. I thought Chris had a different pose. I thought I saw him in a sideview pose before. Maybe I was just fooled by my eyes. I just didn't take a close-up because the light was reflecting so much on it, some crew keep going in and out of the right door and I was shy again. LOL I was kind of paranoid because I thought they saw me as a spy. Hihi!
There's another poster of Chris with the Smart Gilas boys (the earlier one).