I personally tried Oracare and I sure am glad I did! Chris Tiu is such an effective endorser! Hihi! I like Oracare because as Chris Tiu said
"walang sting, walang lasa...and very effective!" And it is true! I like it better than other mouthwashes. Recommended too for thos who have very sensitive teeth!
I already
posted the very first billboard version of his Oracare ad before. And I remember how many attempts I did, with the help of my officemate Gaby, to get a good shot of it.
Now here is the mag version (which I saw several months after) and my officemate Ate Che gamely gave me this whole page from her magazine. Hihi! Thanks Ate Che! ^^

I'm glad Chris had another ad for Oracare's new Arctic taste. And I like this picture better than the first one. I forgot who owned the magazine, but it was my friend
Emay who quickly told me about it. Then I screamed and took a pic of it. Haha! Sorry, I couldn't take a pic of it properly. Hihi! was only using my phone camera.
I better finish my bottle of the peppermint taste so that I can try this new Arctic version! ^^

This is the billboard version as posted by
Charles Tiu and retweeted by
Erica (and thank goodness bcoz of her I got to see it...hehe) I'll wait and see if I'll be able to see it in our area. ^^